WMDEVICEMACRSPRWorldDQ8?>ͫͫMACIHeightFlowtSPRK ColormapPro In??RPAR2MACO OverlayCliffmapCoveragemapSnowmapmapWatermapapFlowmapapNormalmappLightmappHeightmappSPRK QColormapPro Out??TPAR2MACPSPRK ColormapPro Params??VPAR2MACH Devin OlsenuColormapPro is a heavly modified version of the costal overlay macro built by Nico Korn. I've extended out color options and added dual colors for the following: Cliff Cover Snow Water Each dual color has mix perlin capabilities. I've also extended out a lot of fine controls for snow, clifs, cover and water. devin@devinrolsen.com if you have any questions.GFX2 !"#!@A?AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@@B?#$"! !hjfvwukmg 7:5jmg½Żž¹ĽúȻºü|.0,13.r{{~lnUefP[`Syn{p~umzp_tveucuyvp{~(*%)*&x{~d~vgz{gwycuxbpsaleKH.RK2nP\yvRolLhdLgcIicnLmfKeaAg\:ybkfjVlj?bWstyn%'#')%ysp}zcsu^ns^ntMN7G@"IL5Ur`]s:naPji;`XGcaWute{~Ode*]K9fSU{aeqxA^Z7`R`utym%'#')%ys|~n|{^nq\lqew~NQ=HWBJzrBqkPx`ZJcc?c]8aXUsq^otKpi2v_GvN{=lcs7ZR+XIDueUt{tym%'#')%ys{}rasuZrt]Koi@kdDjdB}npe0l]7eZBxjBt(dQ;pa2ta]b=i_eS^c7h[>vJ|iztym%'#')%ysnxqNO4U_ZZiosaMuMnjOhiJxpAlb:e[PFqh1eUuho;nE~ppcMmiDme4YQOwq@uI|_tym%'#')%ysosfNOABB/HH0Y`PEE,HI0EE,CC)ED.DD)A@#epffztpeuz[8k^EvkDgb:zhK@tVjtym%'#')%yslpdCD:43'GH0DD)HH/AB+=<(AA,CD-EE.GG/@=_h[s\lpgz_}|EjcKlhO}O>tTc{z{tym%'#')%yslqeCC:/.#==*??+>>*43#21"76%::'??+EF.GG/?<`hW~ogx~wGjeY_KNhrtym%'#')%yslqeCD;*) %#&%#" # (&0. 42#87%77%CC-A@$QT=wxMgghgKLhzS~ntym%'#')%yslqeDD;)' # &#&#*(32"AA,?< fp`Ucgp|_DK~nZ`}tym%'#')%yslqeDD;)("      # 76%DD-B@%\cP\UAwO~WJvb}t{tym%'#')%yslqeEE;)(!       32#FF/HI0@?$`iYUFy=o>rKwbz{{{tym%'#')%yslqeDE;)'!      !;;(FG/FG/A@%nNy]bGmd`outym%'#'(%x~rmrfJKA10(*( )()(*(*((%0.$CD2LM5MN5LM3ycOy;[TKkfGxnCx_pSwqX}bunrsxl%'#&($tynnsgXZOHH>CC9BC9BC9CC9BB8BB9QQB[]I\^HZ[Dsyi}r_plFj]Ww\\}|d{uofsrwqvk%&#&'#SWNsxkjnbei^cf\bf[bf[bf[cg\hl_lpamrbotepugx~n~so{rgxlg~ppzpwxx|rwnvl~qsvt~rRVN$&"=@:QULmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshQUL?MaximumStyleP1=?FalloffMinimumDefaultP1Falloff typeMaximumP1Invert SelectionalloffCHOSSPRK u~??`PAR2P1Method   Choose between A and B inputs baChoose between B and A inputs baAdd B to A based on CPRLMSPRK W??bPAR2 P1Illumination ModelDirect LightingRaytraced LightingP1Included LightingShadowsIndirect Lighting Only(Shadows + Indirect + Direct)P1Produce RGB LightmapP1Soft ClippingP1Use Global Light DirectionP1hSun HeadingP1ZSun AltitudeP1>?Sky Lighting LevelP1??Diffuse LevelP1Sun ColorP1Sky ColorCMB2SPRK [??dPAR2P1 MethodmWhat technique should be used to combine the two inputs. See the Help file for more information on specifics AverageAdd SubtractMultiplyMaxMinPowerRootDetailDifferencesScreenP1??StrengthLThe strength of the combination. High values cause a more pronounced effectHSELSPRK ! ??fPAR2P1=?Minimum5  P1??MaximumP1?FalloffP1Falloff typeP1Invert SelectionCOLGSPRK 2 ??hPAR2P1d[7Colorcale SynthesisCHOSSPRK ??jPAR2P1MethodChoose between A and B inputs baChoose between B and A inputs baAdd B to A based on CHSELSPRK M??lPAR2P1?MinimumP1?MaximumMinimumP1=?FalloffMaximumP1Falloff type?P1Invert Selection?CMB2SPRK u??nPAR2P1 MethodmWhat technique should be used to combine the two inputs. See the Help file for more information on specifics AverageAdd SubtractMultiplyMaxMinPowerRootDetailDifferencesScreenP1??StrengthLThe strength of the combination. High values cause a more pronounced effectCOLGSPRK 5 ??pPAR2P1ColorCHOSSPRK ??rPAR2P1MethodChoose between A and B inputs baChoose between B and A inputs baAdd B to A based on CHSELSPRK 4 ??tPAR2P1=?MinimumP1??MaximumMinimumP1<?FalloffMaximumP1Falloff type?P1Invert Selection?SELCSPRK ??vPAR2P1@StrengthypeCHOSSPRK [^??xPAR2P1MethodChoose between A and B inputs baChoose between B and A inputs baAdd B to A based on CIVRTSPRK ??zPAR2BLURSPRK l??|PAR2P1Blur type#The type of blurring filter to useUniform (fastest)GaussianMotion BlurP1Blur radiusQHow large the blur kernel is; this controls how strongly the terrain is effectedP1Scale-independant\Scale independence keeps the blur amount the same for both low and high resolution terrainsP14CDirectionDirection of Motion BlurSELFSPRK ??~PAR2P1gHeadingBlur radiusIThe angle along the ground sweeping from the North (0 degrees is North).P1ZZElevationScale-independanCThe elevation angle above the ground (0 degrees is on the ground).BLURSPRK ??PAR2P1Blur type#The type of blurring filter to useUniform (fastest)GaussianMotion BlurP1 Blur radiusQHow large the blur kernel is; this controls how strongly the terrain is effectedP1Scale-independant\Scale independence keeps the blur amount the same for both low and high resolution terrainsP14CDirectionDirection of Motion BlurCLMPSPRK ??PAR2P1>?Range1P1??Range2P1TypeP1NormalizeCHOSSPRK ??PAR2P1Method_?Choose between A and B inputs baChoose between B and A inputs baAdd B to A based on CCHGTSPRK ??PAR2P1??Height'The height to set the terrain level atCOGRSPRK z??PAR2P1Color #1Blur radiusP1Color #2Scale-independanBPRLSPRK tycsxcsx_qv`qvetygv{ix}f??PAR2 P1StyleP1AAEScaleAEP1%=%=`?Persistence`?P1OctavesP1@@Gain$@P10??Offset?P10SeedP } P1 BCHeightP1??Distortion AmountP1Distortion EnableP1hDistortion DirectionP1StabilizeCOGRSPRK Snow Colors??PAR2P1Color #1P1Color #2CHOSSPRK u??PAR2P1MethodRange2Choose between A and B inputs baChoose between B and A inputs baAdd B to A based on CBPRLSPRK ??PAR2 P1StyleP1AAEScaleP1%=%=`?PersistenceP1OctavesP1@@GainP10??OffsetP10SeedP1 BCHeightP1??Distortion AmountP1Distortion EnableP1hDistortion DirectionP1StabilizeCOLGSPRK ??PAR2P1%KGColorCHOSSPRK r??PAR2P1MethodChoose between A and B inputs baChoose between B and A inputs baAdd B to A based on CHSELSPRK ??PAR2P1?MinimumP1?MaximumP1?FalloffnceP1Falloff typeP1Invert SelectionIVRTSPRK 0??PAR2CLMPSPRK ??PAR2P1>?Range1P1 c??Range2P1TypeP1NormalizeCLMPSPRK Clamp Ridges??PAR2P1?Range1P1??Range2P1TypeP1NormalizeSSELSPRK b ??PAR2P1?MinimumP1?MaximumP1?FalloffP1Falloff typeP1Invert SelectionCHOSSPRK ormalmap??PAR2P1MethodChoose between A and B inputs baChoose between B and A inputs baAdd B to A based on CCLMPSPRK b Snow Elevation??PAR2P1u=?Range1P1ףp??Range2P1TypeffP1NormalizepeHSELSPRK ) ??PAR2P1a 69?MinimumP1?MaximumP1?FalloffP1Falloff typeP1Invert SelectionIVRTSPRK v] `;;:ͷ:L<:z:??PAR2CHOSSPRK T ??PAR2P1MethodChoose between A and B inputs baChoose between B and A inputs baAdd B to A based on CCOLGSPRK  Ice Color??PAR2P1ColormCLMPSPRK Clamp Ice??PAR2P1u=?Range1P1ףp??Range2P1TypeP1NormalizeSELCSPRK  )??PAR2P1@StrengthlingIVRTSPRK 3??PAR2IVRTSPRK T 3??PAR2CHGTSPRK ??PAR2P1?Height'The height to set the terrain level atBLURSPRK a  y??PAR2P1Blur type#The type of blurring filter to useUniform (fastest)GaussianMotion BlurP1Blur radiusQHow large the blur kernel is; this controls how strongly the terrain is effectedP1Scale-independant\Scale independence keeps the blur amount the same for both low and high resolution terrainsP14CDirectionDirection of Motion BlurCHOSSPRK 7 C??PAR2P1MethodChoose between A and B inputs baChoose between B and A inputs baAdd B to A based on CCLMPSPRK 5= Clamp Coverage??PAR2P1u=?Range1P1ףp??Range2P1TypeP1NormalizeHSELSPRK j??PAR2P1a 69?MinimumP1?MaximumP1?FalloffP1Falloff typeP1Invert SelectionHSELSPRK p[9??PAR2P1a 69?MinimumP1?MaximumP1?FalloffP1Falloff typeP1Invert SelectionCMB2SPRK b ??PAR2P1 MethodmWhat technique should be used to combine the two inputs. See the Help file for more information on specifics AverageAdd SubtractMultiplyMaxMinPowerRootDetailDifferencesScreenP1?StrengthLThe strength of the combination. High values cause a more pronounced effectCMB2SPRK m ??PAR2P1 MethodmWhat technique should be used to combine the two inputs. See the Help file for more information on specifics AverageAdd SubtractMultiplyMaxMinPowerRootDetailDifferencesScreenP1?StrengthLThe strength of the combination. High values cause a more pronounced effectCMB2SPRK `;;:ͷ:L<:z:??PAR2P1 MethodmWhat technique should be used to combine the two inputs. See the Help file for more information on specifics AverageAdd SubtractMultiplyMaxMinPowerRootDetailDifferencesScreenP1?StrengthLThe strength of the combination. High values cause a more pronounced effectCMB2SPRK `;;:ͷ:L<:z:??PAR2P1 MethodmWhat technique should be used to combine the two inputs. See the Help file for more information on specifics AverageAdd SubtractMultiplyMaxMinPowerRootDetailDifferencesScreenP1?StrengthLThe strength of the combination. High values cause a more pronounced effectCMB2SPRK 3 {q_p??PAR2P1 MethodmWhat technique should be used to combine the two inputs. See the Help file for more information on specifics AverageAdd SubtractMultiplyMaxMinPowerRootDetailDifferencesScreenP1?StrengthLThe strength of the combination. High values cause a more pronounced effectCMB2SPRK  {q_??PAR2P1 MethodmWhat technique should be used to combine the two inputs. See the Help file for more information on specifics AverageAdd SubtractMultiplyMaxMinPowerRootDetailDifferencesScreenP1?StrengthLThe strength of the combination. High values cause a more pronounced effectCMB2SPRK  {q_??PAR2P1 MethodmWhat technique should be used to combine the two inputs. See the Help file for more information on specifics AverageAdd SubtractMultiplyMaxMinPowerRootDetailDifferencesScreenP1?StrengthLThe strength of the combination. High values cause a more pronounced effectCMB2SPRK (.i??PAR2P1 MethodmWhat technique should be used to combine the two inputs. See the Help file for more information on specifics AverageAdd SubtractMultiplyMaxMinPowerRootDetailDifferencesScreenP1?StrengthLThe strength of the combination. High values cause a more pronounced effectCMB2SPRK r-{q_@Ih/??PAR2P1 MethodmWhat technique should be used to combine the two inputs. See the Help file for more information on specifics AverageAdd SubtractMultiplyMaxMinPowerRootDetailDifferencesScreenP1?StrengthLThe strength of the combination. High values cause a more pronounced effectIVRTSPRK xz{q_%|{q_&??PAR2CMB2SPRK {,{q_ ??PAR2P1 MethodmWhat technique should be used to combine the two inputs. See the Help file for more information on specifics AverageAdd SubtractMultiplyMaxMinPowerRootDetailDifferencesScreenP1?StrengthLThe strength of the combination. High values cause a more pronounced effectCOLGSPRK *White??PAR2P1ColormPRNOSPRK {q_KK{q_??PAR2P1Encoding TypeR=X, G=Y, B=ZP1DFlip XP1DFlip Y  (-4C$%       "",5665&&))1.2  ?  !   7     '33 !!"!"A#"$#%5&3&9'+(*)')0):*)*6+ ,+-/.2.;/.011.122+3'4&5586578<9<:=;=<>=>>??@@ABAB8B9B:B;B7B?C1iC' : B *> d F = = ; >    [\ '=   5[] [^ \^ [_ ]_ @ (Z^ @  ? 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