WMDEVICEMACRkeBm՜SGrassPAR2P1AColour 1The Base colourP1,_RColour 2Colour highlights/shadowsP1??Mask Opacity2Decides how much colour to add to the masked areaP1Invert Mask?Pretty Self-ExplanitoryP1Reverse Colours?qGosh darnit, you spent all that time chosing the colours only to find they're around the wrong way? No problem!DirtPAR2P1XhColour 1The Base colourP1?Colour VariationP1Use only 1 colour?ErosionPAR2P1`Colour 1The Base colourP1Colour 2Colour highlights/shadowsP1??Mask Opacity2Decides how much colour to add to the masked areaP1Invert Mask?Pretty Self-ExplanitoryP1Reverse Colours?qGosh darnit, you spent all that time chosing the colours only to find they're around the wrong way? No problem!P1 ??Colour VariationP1Use only 1 colour?RocksPAR2P1rzColour 1The Base colourP1XaiColour 2Colour highlights/shadowsP1??Mask Opacity2Decides how much colour to add to the masked areaP1Invert Mask?Pretty Self-ExplanitoryP1Reverse Colours?qGosh darnit, you spent all that time chosing the colours only to find they're around the wrong way? No problem!P1>?Colour VariationP1Use only 1 colour?SnowPAR2P1Colour 1The Base colourP1Colour 2Colour highlights/shadowsP1??Mask Opacity2Decides how much colour to add to the masked areaP1Invert Mask?Pretty Self-ExplanitoryP1Reverse Colours?qGosh darnit, you spent all that time chosing the colours only to find they're around the wrong way? No problem!P1=?Colour VariationP1Use only 1 colour?SandPAR2P1Colour 1The Base colourP1QColour 2Colour highlights/shadowsP1??Mask Opacity2Decides how much colour to add to the masked areaP1Invert Mask?Pretty Self-ExplanitoryP1Reverse Colours?qGosh darnit, you spent all that time chosing the colours only to find they're around the wrong way? No problem!P1=?Colour VariationP1Use only 1 colour?SPRWorld->N>:oMACIOverlayColour GuideMaskr GuideSPRK Colorium V1.2 In??PAR2MACOStacked OutOutked OutSPRK Colorium V1.2 Out??PAR2MACPSPRK Colorium V1.2 Params??PAR2MACHConstrucLStackable colour generator, with built-in masking and colour guide settings!GFX0 !"#!@A?AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@@B?#$"! !hjfvwukmg 7:5jmg|.0,13.ƴȶǵƴƴƴƴƴƴƴƴƴƴƴƴƴƴƴƴƴƴƴƴƴƴǴŲ~(*%)*&x}vytyn%'#')%ys_______\XU_bqƽqƺjfbZUG>~8tTXPqwktym%'#')%ys______\XU_qƿ{ymȿfƽb_dhdS0f?B<kqetym%'#')%ys_____\XUbuudZPKPX\\\Mx?B<kqetym%'#')%ys____\XU_us\M>8;>AAGPX?B<kqetym%'#')%ys___\XU_qƿsZG40484''+>P?B<kqetym%'#')%ys__\XU_b{u\G408A>4' +>?B<kqetym%'#')%ys_\XU_\qƽydM40;E>80'" +?B<kqetym%'#')%ys\XU_\_qƺmȿZ>08E>84'''"?B<kqetym%'#')%ysXU_\_XjfƽP84A>8;84'"?B<kqetym%'#')%ysU_\_XKfbK;8>848A8' ?B<kqetym%'#')%ys_\_XKEb_P>440'480"?B<kqetym%'#')%ys\_XKE>ZdXA''''''"" "?B<kqetym%'#')%ys_XKE>;Uh\A' "'""" 4?B<kqetym%'#')%ysXKE>;>Gd\G+  +8?B<kqetym%'#')%ysKE>;>E>~S\P>+ +4K?B<kqetym%'#')%ysE>;>E>~8t0fMxXP>+" "48KS?B<kqetym%'#')%ys>;>E>~8t0f'c+fM~UMG>8+;AAMS>?B<kqetym%'#')%ys;>E>~8t0f'c'c'k"t>PSPGMSMSP8{?B<kqetym%'#')%ys>E>~8t0f'c'c'k"tx"~'>AMSKG>{ }?B<kqetym%'#')%ysE>~8t0f'c'c'k"tx"~" ~"'}{ } ?B<kqetym%'#')%ys>~8t0f'c'c'k"tx"~" ~"'}{ } w?B<kqetym%'#')%ys8t0f'c'c'k"tx"~" ~"'}{ } wy?B<kqetym%'#'(%x~r?B;kqesxl%'#&($tyn{yrRVM>A:>A:>A:>A:>A:>A:>A:>A:>A:>A:>A:>A:>A:>A:>A:>A:>A:>A:>A:>A:>A:=A:ORJnshqvk%&#&'#SWNzs|ux}rlqgfkafkafkafkafkafkafkafkafkafkafkafkafkafkafkafkafkafkafkafkafkafkakpesymRVN$&"=@:QULmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshQULo:;?Bias+Adjusts the average heights of the terrainP1l_?o:;?Gain3Increases or decreases the contrast of the terrainCMB2SPRK ??PAR2P1MethodmWhat technique should be used to combine the two inputs. See the Help file for more information on specifics AverageAdd SubtractMultiplyMaxMinPowerRootDetailP1"??StrengthLThe strength of the combination. High values cause a mroe pronounced effectCMB2SPRK ??PAR2P1MethodmWhat technique should be used to combine the two inputs. See the Help file for more information on specifics AverageAdd SubtractMultiplyMaxMinPowerRootDetailP1>?StrengthLThe strength of the combination. High values cause a mroe pronounced effectBIGASPRK [??PAR2P1n>o:;?Bias+Adjusts the average heights of the terrainP1`g?o:;?Gain3Increases or decreases the contrast of the terrainIVRTSPRK 2??PAR2ANOISPRK =??PAR2P1Noise TypeaThe type of noise: Normal noise goes above and below the terrain, while Additive only goes aboveNormal noiseAdditive noiseP1>?Noise Amount*The amount of noise to add to the terrainP1)MSeedP1'Randomize SeedP1'Adjust by ScaleCMB2SPRK ??PAR2P1MethodypemWhat technique should be used to combine the two inputs. See the Help file for more information on specifics AverageAdd SubtractMultiplyMaxMinPowerRootDetailP1??StrengthuntLThe strength of the combination. High values cause a mroe pronounced effectCMB2SPRK 1??PAR2P1MethodmWhat technique should be used to combine the two inputs. See the Help file for more information on specifics AverageAdd SubtractMultiplyMaxMinPowerRootDetailP1??StrengthLThe strength of the combination. High values cause a mroe pronounced effectCMB2SPRK 3??PAR2P1MethodmWhat technique should be used to combine the two inputs. See the Help file for more information on specifics AverageAdd SubtractMultiplyMaxMinPowerRootDetailP1??StrengthLThe strength of the combination. High values cause a mroe pronounced effectCMB2SPRK ??PAR2P1MethodmWhat technique should be used to combine the two inputs. See the Help file for more information on specifics AverageAdd SubtractMultiplyMaxMinPowerRootDetailP1??StrengthLThe strength of the combination. High values cause a mroe pronounced effectBLURSPRK % ??PAR2P1Blur type#The type of blurring filter to useUniform (fastest)GaussianMotion BlurP1!Blur radiusQHow large the blur kernel is; this controls how strongly the terrain is effectedP1Scale-independant\Scale independance keeps the blur amount the same for both low and high resolution terrainsCHGTSPRK ??PAR2P1p>?Heightpe'The height to set the terrain level atCLMPSPRK 5??PAR2P1?Range1P1??Range2P1TypestenceP1NormalizeS_CPSPRK [*??PAR2P1>?Current Value0The current value that this device is producingP1??Max Range)The maximum value to allow in the outputP1?Min Range)The minimum value to allow in the outputP1Type=Specify how to clamp the input value to the specified range.RescaleClipS_CPSPRK *??PAR2P1"??Current Value0The current value that this device is producingP1X??Max Range)The maximum value to allow in the outputP1?Min Range)The minimum value to allow in the outputP1Type=Specify how to clamp the input value to the specified range.RescaleClipS_INSPRK ??PAR2S_CPSPRK ??PAR2P1=??Current Value0The current value that this device is producingP1|??Max Range)The maximum value to allow in the outputP1?Min Range)The minimum value to allow in the outputP1Type=Specify how to clamp the input value to the specified range.RescaleClipS_CPSPRK ??PAR2P1(??Current Value0The current value that this device is producingP1@??Max Range)The maximum value to allow in the outputP1>?Min Range)The minimum value to allow in the outputP1Type=Specify how to clamp the input value to the specified range.RescaleClipCOLGSPRK ??PAR2P1XhColorSWCHSPRK P??PAR2P11Input choiceJIf enabled, passes the optional input along instead of the primary input.SWCHSPRK ??PAR2P11Input choiceJIf enabled, passes the optional input along instead of the primary input.CMB2SPRK @??PAR2P1MethodpemWhat technique should be used to combine the two inputs. See the Help file for more information on specifics AverageAdd SubtractMultiplyMaxMinPowerRootDetailP1$>?StrengthusLThe strength of the combination. High values cause a mroe pronounced effectCMB2SPRK ??PAR2P1MethodmWhat technique should be used to combine the two inputs. See the Help file for more information on specifics AverageAdd SubtractMultiplyMaxMinPowerRootDetailP1$>?StrengthLThe strength of the combination. High values cause a mroe pronounced effectIVRTSPRK mM??PAR2CLMPSPRK G??PAR2P1?Range1P1??Range2P1TypeP1NormalizeCHOSSPRK sl??PAR2P1MethodS_CPSPRK ??PAR2P1$>?Current Value0The current value that this device is producingP1$??Max Range)The maximum value to allow in the outputP1?Min Range> )The minimum value to allow in the outputP1Type=Specify how to clamp the input value to the specified range.RescaleClip %% % "#&,   * +   (   & !"!#$&%$&&''+(+)'*)*(+,',(BCJDCMasking2ZBColour Guiding'@DBGuide NormalizingDDBUse one colour or no?+DqDB Colouring??Main ExtentsDefaultX_x%x_y%y%@SPRK "^Colorium V1.2??PAR2P1XhColour 1The Base colourP1?Subtractive Scale